
Ok I have a confession to make: I still don't know what to be when I grow up.

Yeah I know I'm 25 and society says I should have figured this out by now, but I haven't. Currently I make money freelance photo editing, which gives me the flexibility to travel and work remotely, but this isn't something I want to do for the rest of my life (though, the traveling part I do want to do for the rest of my life).

I don't have a degree so there's no set path for me. I didn't go to university despite the immense pressure and judgement from high school teachers, peers, and often other parents. I was terrified that I would end up with a major I wouldn't use and have 30k worth of debt. Besides, I was 18 and had zero life experience outside of my Californian suburban bubble. I needed to see what the world was like myself.

Over the past seven years I've had some incredible experiences. I've lived in 4 countries across 3 continents, fallen in love, worked on a ranch in Wyoming, learned that very few things are black and white, saw life from new perspectives, surfed the North Shore, worked jobs I hated, learned my limits, slept in caves in Petra, learned how to be a better friend, failed and fell on my face, learned Muay Thai in Thailand, and met some of the most amazing people I've ever known.

Through these experiences and many hours of sitting and yearning (thanks Kramer), I have been able to narrow down some of my passions: photography, film, story-telling, art, nature, food, sustainability, environmentalism, philosophy, travel and culture.

Can I combine these things somehow into a job? Who knows. But I guess this blog will be me just talking about my passions and seeing where this all goes.

I still don't know "what" I want to be when I grow up, but I am slowly gaining a better understanding of who I want to become.

Ciao for now!

- Sav


Photo Diary: A Day Outside